Welcome to my personal webpage! My name is Ezequiel Ferrero. I’m a researcher in the areas of Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics. My work is primarily related to Non-Equilibrium classical Statistical Physics, Phase Transitions and Driven Disordered Systems. I’m also interested in computational techniques in physics, in particular, on GPU parallel approaches and Machine Learning, and I look forward to applications of my work in the fields of soft materials and geophysics.
I defended my PhD Thesis at FaMAF UNC, Córdoba (Argentina), in February 2011 under the advice of Sergio Cannas. From April 2011 to April 2013 I was a CONICET postdoc fellow at the Solid State Theory Group at Centro Atómico Bariloche, working with Alejandro Kolton and Sebastian Bustingorry. Starting on May 2013 I have worked for almost four years as a postdoc at Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique in Grenoble (France) in the PSM group leaded by Jean-Louis Barrat. In 2017 I moved to Milan (Italy) for a 1-year postdoc in the group of Stefano Zapperi, part of the Center for Complexity & Biosystems. Since Jan 2018 I’m a CONICET stable researcher at the Condensed Matter Theory Group in Centro Atómico Bariloche. On April 2022 I’ve moved to Barcelona where I worked two years as a “María Zambrano” fellow at the Condensed Matter Department of Barcelona University in collaboration with Carmen Miguel, in sabbatical leave from my stable position. On April 2024 I’ve been promoted to “Independent Researcher” in CONICET. I currently act as a Managing Editor of Papers in Physics.
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